I was checking my very ancient itunes play counts from my parents' computer that had survived in an old backup drive, I found "Note In a Bottle" by Raised Under Reagan as my fourth-most played track at 879. Despite this, I didn't immediately recognize it. I found the band's now defunct myspace page and felt something inside, there was a memory there but it couldn't take shape. I found this page and the self-titled EP containing the song, and as soon as I hit play I started getting flashbacks to Call of Duty: World at War. I can't believe I forgot this track but I'm glad I remembered.
I was checking my very ancient itunes play counts from my parents' computer that had survived in an old backup drive, I found "Note In a Bottle" by Raised Under Reagan as my fourth-most played track at 879. Despite this, I didn't immediately recognize it. I found the band's now defunct myspace page and felt something inside, there was a memory there but it couldn't take shape. I found this page and the self-titled EP containing the song, and as soon as I hit play I started getting flashbacks to Call of Duty: World at War. I can't believe I forgot this track but I'm glad I remembered.